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Our Story

"Let there be charity, so that others can share my family’s prosperity”

                                                              Shri . P.S. Govindaswamy Naidu ,Founder

On 25th January 1926, a Trust under the name of ‘P S GOVINDASWAMY NAIDU & SONS’; came into being to cater to the growing needs of education and industry. Coimbatore opened a new chapter in its history.

To understand the genesis, growth and objectives of the trust, it is necessary to travel back in time and visualize the social, educational and economic scenario of India in general and the city of Coimbatore in particular.

Illiteracy and poverty afflicted the people, while lack of resources and organized services imposed constraints on the government.

Illiteracy and poverty afflicted the people, while lack of resources and organized services imposed constraints on the government. The city of Coimbatore, as it exists today with all its industrial and educational houses of excellence, could not even have been dreamt of. The entrepreneurs were yet to arrive while education was meant only for an exclusive few, With these being the circumstances, the trust was established and it became the harbinger of education and industrialization in the Coimbatore region.

It needed a benign and active mix of sympathy, daringness, generosity and selflessness to even think of bringing in changes in such a setting. The four sons of Shri PS Govindaswamy Naidu whose initials the trust bears, had all this in themselves and through their tireless efforts brought forth the trust. They, Shri PSG Venkataswamy Naidu, Shri PSG Rangaswamy Naidu, Shri PSG Ganga Naidu, Shri PSG Narayanaswamy Naidu, the four sons of Shri PS Govindaswamy Naidu, went about setting up the trust in a unique and inimitable fashion. They adopted Charity as their fifth brother and divided their ancestral wealth into, not 4 equal portions, but 5, the fifth one earmarked exclusively for Charity.

They realized that illiteracy caused stagnation, insulating the people from the progressive changes taking place all around and leaving them poor and uninformed; and hence it was at the root of all the ills of society. Their generous and leadership qualities surged ahead to the fore with this clear sense of understanding of the prevailing malady and its cause. And so, they struck back at illiteracy with a missionary zeal and made education their primary trust area. The zeal of idealism continued and many institutions were born in succession in various disciplines.

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PSGIMSR has been imparting medical education, research and services since 1985, by upholding its motto – “Health for All” The College offers various graduate and post graduate programmes in medicine to thousands of students every year. The Institute also offers education in associated fields of medicine. Students are exposed to  variety of cases as the college is attached to the PSG Hospitals

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The Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Chapter is one of the oldest chapters of IAPM in India. This is a non-profit organization affiliated to the national body of IAPM. The association has a hoary past with many legends of Pathology at the helm of affairs. The association has made its presence felt and established its reputation at the national level having been led by stalwarts and eminent Pathologists and as past office bearers Today the association has grown strong with 205 life members. The association conducts scientific sessions /slide seminars every month and an Annual Conference in the month of July. We hope to leave strong footprints at the national and international level by the contributions of all the members of our association

About Pathology Department

The Department of Pathology was started in 1986 by Dr. M Balaraman Nair, a renowned pathologist and teacher. It is now headed by Dr. S Shanthakumari. Post graduation in Pathology was started in 2001 and now has eight admissions per year.

It is a dynamic department with talented and dedicated faculty. The department contributes significantly to the curriculum in medical education and is dedicated to fostering imaginative and talented pathologists who will continue contributing to human well-being in the fundamental efforts of elucidating and understanding disease mechanisms.

The Department is organized into 4 major divisions: Histopathology, Cytology, Clinical Pathology and Haematology which includes Transfusion medicine. With an array of facilities that include a museum where over 1000 rare and unique specimens are on display, the department aims to develop academic standards of the highest order. The Clinical Pathology and Histopathology Labs are NABL accredited and the blood centre is accreditated by the NABH.  

The histopathology laboratory is well equipped and optimally automated with facilities to perform immunofluorescence studies and immunohistochemistry. We are one of the few departments which are regularly performing foetal autopsies. The cytology division does liquid based cytology in addition to exfoliative cytology, guided and unguided aspirations.

The clinical pathology laboratory is equipped with the best in automated equipments like  seven part automated cell counters, fully automated coagulation analyzers with plateforms for platelet function testing, and fully automated urine chemistry and sediment analysers. The haematology laboratory is one of the few places in the state to regularly perform coagulation factor assays and platelet function tests. It works 24X7. The laboratory also has a BD FACS flow cytometer.


The blood centre was established in 1990 and was upgraded to a regional blood centre in the year 2001. The blood centre is equipped with a vast array of equipments like automated inmmunohaematology analysers, high speed refrigerated centrifuges, automated blood separators and ultra low temperature freezers. Specialised transfusion products like leukodepleted, washed and irradiated products are also manufactured here. Besides this the department offers Apheresis services – platelet, leukapheresis and stem cell pheresis. The blood centre aims to ensure the highest of standards to support the vein to vein concept of  safe and sustainable blood transfusion.

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