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CME on “Pharmacology Research and Drug Approval Process"

Department of Pharmacology, PSGIMSR, Coimbatore

19th Feb 2025

About Program

CME on “Pharmacology Research and Drug approval process”

Drug travels from a lab to pharmacy outlet as a medicine usually face a long journey and every drug takes a unique route. Drug approval process is an important step, as a part drug development. Regular drug development follows preclinical investigations and standard protocols during different phases of clinical trials.  As a preclinical and drug envelopment steps, there may be many new equipments, screening methods, different routes though which a drug will be tested were investigated and documented. Over the counter (OTC) drugs have a unique development process and sometimes need to be regulated.  As a part of the drug development, if any methodology/ devices were identified may also need their intellectual property rights.

This CME focused on newer instrument/ devices used in pharmacological research, delivery methods, how to prepare for an IPR for the equipments developed in research and over all drug approval process.


PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research,
Post Box -1674,
Off Avanashi Road, Peelamedu,

Coimbatore-641 004,Tamil Nadu, INDIA.

Dr. Bhuvaneswari K 

+91- 9500669934

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